Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Whoa, Totally wiped out

Today is one of those days that feels like it will never end. It has been long and slow and kind of irritating. Can a day be irritating? well, it feels like it. In lecture today I decided to have the students play a jeopardy game in order to help them prep for the midterm exam this Friday. Instead of being nice and playing well with each other, they got very competitive to the point of being rude to me. I was so surprised by their actions, one student even said to me, 'you are corrupt and picking favorites', Whoa, really? In my attempt to make learning fun, I was growled at :(. Instead of having a fun friendly competition, it turned into, 'our hand was up first', 'your cheating', 'this is stupid', do we have to stay? and on and on it went. As much as i enjoy the academic challenge of learning and stretching my brain to think in new ways, I do not like the feeling that I am babysitting children. Some times I feel like I am working with 5 year olds. But I guess that is what college is about, learning who you are, who you want to be, how to interact with others and maybe even trying to fluster your teacher. Well, it worked. I was flustered to the point of not even knowing what to say. It is hard to be a younger teacher as I guess there are challenges teaching at any age but anyways I guess my point is......teaching today was not fun. Hoping teaching tomorrow is better.

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