Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hello publishing connections!

I am feeling really big time right now, even though I know I am not :) The Fairchild publishing house just called me and asked me where I was in the process of graduation and job search. Well, it was really fun to tell them I am have found a great place to build my teaching and scholarship foundation blha blha bhal that is besides the point..... BUT........ they are sending me possible books to use for the new courses and I love books so I am really excited! ALSO, they were touching base to see if I was still interested in co-authoring a product development book. After I finish my dissertation I will begin the process of writing an academic book for an undergraduate course. It is exciting to think that someday a college student will have a book with my name on it. Another fun fact: college professors write the majority of the books used in educational courses! Now that I have developed myself in the academic field it is really fun to go book shopping because I can say, "oh I know that author, she (sometimes he) was a professor of mine at WSU or I met them at a conference"....... A very exciting thing to think about and a future goal of mine.

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