Tuesday, February 7, 2012

UUhhhh so boring

Totally how I felt this morning...... hahahahah I LOVE THIS picture :)

I am taking a course titled "Qualitative data methods", there are these 2 students in the course from Anthropology and they cannot stop talking about their programs and their methods and how they do everything. Uhhh it is soo annoying. Both of our disciplines use the same methods we just use different language and that is fine but instead of talking about the methods, these Anthro guys just want to talk about themselves. Haha whatever, what is everyones favorite topic? themselves! But my point is that you have time outside of class to talk about your self but while we are here we should stay on topic.........

Time to focus on the topic and not how it relates to me or my research just how it relates to methods.

Going to a panel discussion tonight at the Womens Building:

FAT: Size Discrimination Series Part 1: Deconstructing Size Discrimination, Myths, and Stereotypes 

Tuesday February 7, 7-8:30pm                                                                                         

What does it mean to be fat in our society? Come discuss, learn, and breakdown the social stigmas and stereotypes surrounding size in our country. Learn about size discrimination and ways we can beat it, bust myths about fat people, and learn more about embracing all body types, shapes, and sizes.


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