Monday, February 13, 2012

Ballon in my head today

Waking up at 3am with a stuffy nose was not how I wanted to start this week. I decided to plow through this morning and go to the gym anyways. I was once told, 'sweating it out' was the best way to get over something. So, I definitely sweated but I did not sweat it out quite yet. I have got this balloon feeling in my head, pressure on my ears, ya know? Oh well, I am finally on campus at 12 and starting to get to work.

Well, actually, I worked from home this morning for a while. I have been analyzing the data from a study of mine- the beliefs about obese people in apparel design students. Well, this is what I calculated this morning........... of my study.......


A total of 277 students responded to the survey. 241 females and 29 males responded. Of those, seven surveys were incomplete and were removed from the data analysis reducing the sample to 270. Female respondents age ranged from 17 to 47 with an average age of 21. The male respondents age was 18- 38 with an average age of 20. The majors stated were Apparel Design, Merchandising Managements, Interior Design, Housing Studies, Design and Human Environment, pre- apparel, pre-merchandising, pre-interiors or pre-housing. For clarification, every pre-program indicated was grouped into its major. For example- pre-merchandising management and declared merchandising management were grouped into the label MM, pre-interiors, interior design and housing studies were grouped into the label ID and the reminder of students were categorized as label DHE. 
I then broke down the students identified race.
As you can tell, there is very little diversity in this sample but that is OK I just need to remember to add that as a limitation to my study. 

When I am reading my writing, sometimes I feel like the parents in Charlie Brown when they talk..

wha wha wha wha wha wha wha wha- you must look at this video....

I am still working on calculating the actual scores but what it looks like so far is that this sample of students shows a substantial amount of anti-fat bias. Meaning they do not like fat people....... is it a coincidence that some fat people have trouble finding well fitting clothing??? not sure, but that is the direction I am taking this paper. I will let you all know if/when it gets accepted. I am hoping to get accepted to the ITAA conference!!!! 

Off to do more calculations. Good thing I have my sidekick for support today :)
(Mugsy under my desk)

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