Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another year gone by

As I lay in bed (still under the firm grip of a sinus virus) I reflect on this past academic year. Tonight is the departments Annual Recycled Fashion Show. For the past tree years I have enjoyed working with the club that produces the show. What an amazing group of undergraduate women I get to work with. I am amazed at their team work and endless energy. I mean, a lot of work goes into putting on a fashion show with over 60 designers, 60 models and not to mention around 900 guest, oh and yeah all the back stage crew that needs to be there including music and technical/ lighting crew. WhOA! So, besides these brilliant students are the creative designers (not to mention that the majority of the students hosting the show are also designers themselves).

Fun fact: Oregon State University hosts the oldest recycled fashion show in the US, dating back to 1995. Back to my main point......some personal reflection of this show over the last few years. Aside from being a studious graduate student I use this show as a creative outlet. Below are my recycled garments from the past three years.

In 2010..... I designed this wedding dress out of used dryer sheets, my most fun project.

more pictures on my web portfolio

Then 2011......I was drinking a lot of tea that year......and I designed the following dress out of Tea Bag wrappers- once you take the tea bag out of the wrapper, what do you do with the foil wrapping? throw it out usually, but I (and countless others) decided to save about 500+ to make this, isn't the model stunning??
Here is a close up of the dress.......
Then, this year 2012 I used a bed sheet from say the 1970s era to made a sun dress. This is actually something that I will wear. It is very soft considering it has been around and used for the last 40 years.
A little blurry but I will get better pictures tonight at the live show. This has been a really fun event for me and I know that I will miss this when I leave Oregon State. Maybe I will have to take the idea with me to my next university........

link to the live show- skip ahead to minute 25 to just see my beautiful model and the dress

Final Pics!!!

Looking over these I am feeling inspired to submit them for design publication...... eh' why not?
Taking small steps in the direction of my dreams every day, even though sometimes I am not sure what they are I just keep moving forward. Feeling so grateful for all that is in my life. Thank you J$, Gma, Mugs, Mom, Dad, JGirl, Big C, D-Fresh, other Jgirl, Alf,  roomies, Da-Burns, KMull, E, my kids, workout girls, dridri, banana and the list goes on.......  I so much enjoy abbreviating and donning my loved ones with nick names.

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