Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Amazing Night!!!!!

Last night Jay and I went to a Panel Discussion about.... FAT
FAT: Size Discrimination Series Part 1: Deconstructing Size Discrimination, Myths, and Stereotypes 
Tuesday February 7, 7-8:30pm                                                                                                  What does it mean to be fat in our society? Come discuss, learn, and breakdown the social stigmas and stereotypes surrounding size in our country. Learn about size discrimination and ways we can beat it, bust myths about fat people, and learn more about embracing all body types, shapes, and sizes.

It was amazing! I briefly talked about it yesterday but the experience was so great. I got to hear overweight, fat, obese, large women talk about their lives and the experiences they have everyday. It was very touching and eye opening for both me and Jay too. 

I reached out to a few women who said they wanted to work out but didnt feel emotionally 'safe' at the college gym. I gave them my card and invited them to a lunch presentation I am giving tomorrow.....

Got Motivation?
This session will mentally and physically get you ready to go exercise, go to Dixon, or any physical activity program. Are you lacking the motivation or just lacking the knowhow? This will give you all the tools to not only feel good when being physically activity but to look good while doing it! Come learn what to wear and what to bring before you exercise, go to the gym or engage in any type of physical activity program.

That is the blurb that is posted about my talk. I am talking from a Health At Every Size approach about physical activity.

Here are a few links that go into that approach a bit further. For now I need to prep for lecture, finalize a paper due tomorrow and make sure the fashion club is selling tickets when they said they would..... for the Recycled Fashion show! Coming up next week!!


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