Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sunshine in the NW

It is so beautiful outside today however it is still cold. I am talking 40 degrees, hmmmmmmm I am checking out weather in Morgantown and it is currently 68 and sunny. Hmmmmmmm I like the sound of that.

Not much to report over here except for that I am enjoying my last few weeks of Winter quarter. I am feeling pleasantly swamped with responsibilities yet I am not stressed out. Maybe that is to come or maybe I just won't get stressed out and that would be great. My to do list entails a lot of reading and writing and proof-reading and helping students on some of their work. I very much enjoy working with the undergraduate students...well some of them. Question: Have you ever had a person pick a front wedgie while in the midst of a conversation?
Well, it happened to me after class the other day and I felt very awkward. I wanted to say, "excuse me, but I cannot hear anything you are saying because I am so distracted by your wedgie picking right now"

Oh well, I guess when you gotta pick you gotta pick.

In other news.......I am a happy camper today, planning a fashion show with the African Student Center. This upcoming Monday I am meeting with their club and teaching them to make traditional Batik fabric. It is the technique where you use wax to draw designs on fabric, then dye the fabric then scrape the wax off and wallllalallla! You have beautiful batik material. It should be fun. Well, I am also working on 2 other publications as well as my dissertation. yeah baby- living the motto of 'work hard and play hard'.

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