Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Might make you Cry.....

Let me be clear, this post won't make you cry however studies show that more often than not, women who weigh themselves feel worse about themselves than those who do not........ food for thought....

After reading studies that go in depth about the 'stress' endured when you weight yourself, I decided to do an experiment. I did a self check after I weighed myself- I would ask- how do I feel? Instead of weighting myself every Thursday morning after my spin class I decided to stop and ask myself- how do I feel now?

Can you guess? I feel free. I have felt free for almost 1 year. I am no longer a slave to the scale. That is no longer a measure of worth or value for me. This morning, as I walked into the locker room after my workout I saw this young women walking toward the scale and my heart ached for her. I wanted to yell nooooo don't do it. I watched passively as she got on, looked down and waited. She waited for what? A number to tell her if she was loosing weight. I watched as she kept her head down as she walked away disappointed. I wanted to hug her and say it is OK, I think you are fantastic just the way you are. My heart goes out to those who stress and pressure themselves and fear the scale. My wish, which I recognize is not socially acceptable yet, is that men and women decide to get off the roller coaster of the scale and up + down ride of valuing self.

p.s. teaching this class next quarter!!

Women’s Only Fitness w/ Dr. Deb
Are you new to exercise? Would you like the comfort of learning how to exercise in a group format? Does going into Dixon, make you nervous? This weekly class emphasizes the pleasure and enjoyment of an active, healthy life for all shapes and sizes. This will be a safe environment to learn how to move your body in ways that feel good to you. Whatever your age, size or ability, you have the right to be active and feel comfortable while doing it. This class is open to all women, please join Deb in 301 Langton Hall.

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