Monday, March 19, 2012

Last official class as a PhD student

So I just realized the other day that I am taking my last class as a PhD student ever. Whoa and awesome. I have been procrastinating this 'take home exam' because, well I don't know I just don't want to do it. I think it is often referred to as 'senior-itits'. I have 4 months, 16 weeks, or 112 days to finish my dissertation. That is my main focus right now, and that I get to see my Grandma tomorrow. So, No I do not really want to write about.........

5. Discuss the considerations relative to making research in which qualitative data have been collected and analyzed credible. What procedures must be taken/completed and how does one inform the reader that the work is credible, reliable and valid (from a qualitative perspective)?

Seriously, this is painful. Uhhhhhh but I have to tell myself that the sooner I get it finished the sooner i can stop thinking about it. But then once I do that, other things will just creep on in and I will be thinking about them! I need to stop google searching for cut picture of kittens and puppies and get focused on this stupid final. Lol, well it is not stupid, I know that it is undeniably important information for me to know, I. Just. don't. want to. 
Pictures to show how I feel:

Fine....... I'll do my final.
Wait..... won't you help me??

K never mind your'e bothering me, I'll do it myself. 

My reward, a good snuggle.

Another reward a nice sunbathe and a goodnight sleep. 
Kittens are so cute!!!!!!

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