Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Conferencing in Hawaii

I am sitting in the Washington DC airport waiting for my last flight back to WV. Going on 19 hours of traveling and so ready to be back at 'home'. The International Textiles and Apparel Association (ITAA) conference was fantastic. I was reunited with professors from Washington State and Oregon State as well as all my friends from OSU. It was great to have Jay tag along too. He enjoyed playing on the beach and hiking Diamond head in Waikiki while I was in meetings. After the conference we went up to a cottage in Wiamaia, North Shore, Oahu for 4 more days. We went swimming, snorkeling and did a 9 mile hike to the top of...... i don't remember some wiki wiki wialua mountain. It was a difficult hike but very beautiful and a great way to spend the morning. The cottage we stayed in was a small 1 room place with a little kitchen/living room/dining room, bedroom and bathroom- just perfect because we were able to cook all our own meals, it can get really expensive eating out and a bit greasy. You never know what goes into your food and we enjoy making our own!

Semester almost over

Fall semester 2012 is almost over. This is the last week of classes and next week is finals. I have had several students trying to squeeze in last minute meetings to get a few extra points. This is irritating when they have had all semester to talk with me about grades. I guess it is that fight or flight that kicks in for students when they fear the wrath of parents if their grades are not acceptable.

For the most part my students are doing very well. I am in the mist of publishing an article for an academic journal. It is a lot of work prepping for lecture, lecturing, evaluating students work, entering grades into the e-campus system, and then also writing research. It is so funny being on the other side. As an undergraduate, I would ask myself  "what are those professors doing in there all the time, just typing on their key boards!". Hahaha, now I know. They are scheduling meetings, organizing data, getting approval to collect data and on and on and on.

Jay had an interview last week at Arnnet, Foster and Rice CPA firm. He has a second interview there next week! Very exciting! Mugsy is doing great and I am really looking forward to a holiday vacation. Even though it's not looking like much of a vacation at this point. I was just selected to be on a review committee foe the college and I am not sure what they entails but I will find out at a meeting this Thursday. From what it sounds like, I get to peer review about 30 or 40 professors in the college and write reports on there progress towards teaching, research and service activities....... super :)

Back to work for me! Ciao!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Jay is Here!!!

Jay arrived late Sunday night and it has been so wonderful to have him here. We have been unpacking all of his items and I have been taking half days to spend time with him. Yesterday we played tennis and went to our first faculty dinner. There was a potluck dinner hosted by the women's center for new female faculty and their families. We had a great time and got to meet some wonderful people. The weather is starting to cool off and the humidity is gone! Jay got here just in time to miss the heat! Tomorrow WVU is playing Maryland and we are going to tailgate and go to the football game! It will be our first football game here together. Yeah! We even bought WVU t-shirts yesterday so we are set to fit in with the other mountaineers.

I am still unpacking my office and setting up pictures. I cannot believe it is almost week 5 of classes. My students are so smart and driven. Teaching is so much easier when you have a great group of students. I am planning a field trip for them to Portland. Several students are interested in athletic apparel design so this will be a fun trip for them as well as me! Well, my students have a quiz today and that means grading for me over the weekend. Overall, things are great. I am still getting adjusted to the town, places and people but feel much better with Jay here. I'll keep posting updates as they come along! xxoo- Debbie

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Trying to keep busy out here

Well, I have been keeping busy with school, research and meetings. I must admit it is a little lonely out here but at least I have Mugsy! Jay has been really great about Skyping and making me feel connected. After my first week of work (and after my lectures) I found these on my office desk :)

It was such a sweet surprise to find my favorite flowers in my new office. A few of my students were with me and it made me feel so special. My students have heard all about Jay and are looking forward to meeting him at University events.

At night I have been catching up on some of my favorite HGTV shows and  doing small craft projects to make the house feel homey. It has been so hot and muggy that we decided to get an AC unit. It is an amazing help! Mugys and I get it going in the living room and keep cool! Here is my latest pillow project I finished just a few days ago.

I did an applique technique for the two lemon pillows and used other Joanne fabrics for the other three. It really brightens up the couch and living room!

Well, my nest project is re-newing my Internal Review Board and Identifying risks associated with participation in social and behavioral science research. It consists of about 60 pages of protocol and 10 quizzes that I had to pass! I thought I was done with exams :) So, I'll be doing that and then working on an application for a study to submit to IRB at WVU. Good times! I still can't believe I am getting paid to read and research and profess! Jackie arrives tomorrow!!!! Yeah!!! Oh it will be SOO nice to have her out here. I'll pick her up in Pittsburgh and she will be here for 6 days! I am so lucky!


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I love School!

Yesterday was the first day of school and it went great. I am teaching 2 classes and my students are wonderful. I am teaching a product development course for apparel designers and a product development course for merchandising management students.

I had our office administrator take a picture of me on my first day teaching :) Her name is Pam and she is wonderful! She has been so helpful in getting me settled in my new surroundings. 

Yesterday was quite eventful. I have a student who is passionate about athletic apparel! And he was so excited that I am here teaching at WVU. That made me feel so good and welcomed. He works for the athletic department and wants to design new football  uniforms for the 2013-14 season. I said I would help and I am so excited to help students go above and beyond the classroom. I also met Don Nehlens son who is the Equipment manager at WVU- very exciting! (Don is football hall of fame) I have such a great feeling about being here and cannot wait for Jay to arrive!!! He gets here in 25 days! I have got a few countdowns going.... 9 days until Cougar Football, 11 days until WVU football and 25 days until Jay arrives. 

Well, I am off to work! Today is my research day and I am starting a new article about fashion and health. I will submit it to a journal at the end of september and hope it gets published! 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

First day of school!

I have been in and out of meetings this past week in preparation for classes to start! Yesterday I got to meet the incoming freshman class of our division. They were wide eyed and very excited about college. I will be teaching sophomores and juniors so I won't see the freshman until next year. I also got my very first WVU t-shirt at the freshman orientation and have been wearing it all day :)

This is what I wore to the freshman orientation with a denim pencil skirt and leopard print kitten heels.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Heading to Orientation!

Here I am getting ready to head out to New Faculty Orientation! Yesterday I met the President of the university and attended informational meeting about the Libraries and other campus services. One more day of training then faculty meetings and next week school starts!!!! I am so excited! More picture to come of my office!