Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I love School!

Yesterday was the first day of school and it went great. I am teaching 2 classes and my students are wonderful. I am teaching a product development course for apparel designers and a product development course for merchandising management students.

I had our office administrator take a picture of me on my first day teaching :) Her name is Pam and she is wonderful! She has been so helpful in getting me settled in my new surroundings. 

Yesterday was quite eventful. I have a student who is passionate about athletic apparel! And he was so excited that I am here teaching at WVU. That made me feel so good and welcomed. He works for the athletic department and wants to design new football  uniforms for the 2013-14 season. I said I would help and I am so excited to help students go above and beyond the classroom. I also met Don Nehlens son who is the Equipment manager at WVU- very exciting! (Don is football hall of fame) I have such a great feeling about being here and cannot wait for Jay to arrive!!! He gets here in 25 days! I have got a few countdowns going.... 9 days until Cougar Football, 11 days until WVU football and 25 days until Jay arrives. 

Well, I am off to work! Today is my research day and I am starting a new article about fashion and health. I will submit it to a journal at the end of september and hope it gets published! 

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