Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Conferencing in Hawaii

I am sitting in the Washington DC airport waiting for my last flight back to WV. Going on 19 hours of traveling and so ready to be back at 'home'. The International Textiles and Apparel Association (ITAA) conference was fantastic. I was reunited with professors from Washington State and Oregon State as well as all my friends from OSU. It was great to have Jay tag along too. He enjoyed playing on the beach and hiking Diamond head in Waikiki while I was in meetings. After the conference we went up to a cottage in Wiamaia, North Shore, Oahu for 4 more days. We went swimming, snorkeling and did a 9 mile hike to the top of...... i don't remember some wiki wiki wialua mountain. It was a difficult hike but very beautiful and a great way to spend the morning. The cottage we stayed in was a small 1 room place with a little kitchen/living room/dining room, bedroom and bathroom- just perfect because we were able to cook all our own meals, it can get really expensive eating out and a bit greasy. You never know what goes into your food and we enjoy making our own!

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