So much for 'sweating it out' yesterday. This morning I went to teach spin and it was a disaster. Well, the work out was great for my class but I just peddled lightly on the bike and probably should have stayed in bed. Its funny how the gym works- there are signs that say 'if you are sick stay home and get well' but when you call in sick everyone says 'what?? who is covering for you??", it is an oxymoron- the boss says take care of yourself but when you are sick they give you a guilt trip- wtf? Oh well, I am officially on bed rest for the entire day per Dr. Jay orders. I am having mixed emotions about lounging around. I have to tell myself that it is OK to take a day off, even though it feels really weird not to be in my office. I have been drinking a ton of water, chicken broth and tea. I have got Mugsy snuggled up with me and I am thinking a movie tonight....alone.
Hahaha, let me explain. I know it is valentines and in the past 4 years I have come to strongly dis-like this Valentines Day- not what the day means because I am all for showing those around you that you love them BUT I am not a fan of the Hallmark version where people feel obligated to buy a stupid stuffed teddy bear or a big balloon. I would so much rather go do something together instead of exchange gifts. Although I should add that I do enjoy getting flowers just when it is not expected..... and Valentines is expected hence the main reason I do not promote this day. Oh, I never finished why I am movie watching alone. Well, Jay is studying for his second CPA exam that is coming up in less than 2 weeks and the last thing he needs to get whatever I have. There is little academic progress happening on my end. So, all in all I guess this is as good of a time to get sick as any because I am still officially waiting to start my data collection. A joy of graduate school (sarcastic tone intended). Off to make more tea. Hoping tomorrow I will be back at it!
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