Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thank you IRB!

I finally got an email from IRB- internal review board- with some feedback. They want me to change the wording of a few sentences so it is legal. Just kind of mumbo jumbo stuff. But, I am happily fixing their requests and hoping to get approval by the end of this week.

I feel as though once I get approval I will be swamped with the responsibility of research. I am so excited to get this thing rolling! I have even more motivation with my job offer. I have four women who are ready to start the research process...... I am not sure if I have REALLY gone over what my dissertation is about. Well... here is an overview of the research process....... only if you are interested.. slightly munbo jumbo as well....... in brief- I want to explore how overweight women feel about exercise clothing. What they currently have (if any) and then I will send them a Nike outfit and see how they feel about that outfit, if anything at all.


Description of Research: The purpose of this research is to explore the experiences overweight adult women have with athletic apparel. 
The main objectives of the study are:
1)     To determine overweight adult women’s experiences with athletic clothing.
2)    To describe the preferred styles of athletic apparel for overweight adult women.
3)     To determine if clothing for physical activity among overweight adult women is a factor to engaging in physical activity.
4)    To describe how overweight women view the purpose of athletic apparel in relation to physical activity.
            5)    To determine what coping behaviors overweight women engage in associated with                              social comparison of self to the cultural beauty ideal. 
Phase 1: Recruitment- If a participant desires to volunteer for the study they will contact the student researcher via email: christed@onid.orst.edu. 

Phase 2: The researcher will email the participant the alternative consent document. The email will include the following statement “Thank you for contacting me about volunteering for a research study. Based on your interest, you are a woman ages 30-65, wear a size 16-26, with a waist between 38.5” to 51.5”, a bust between 44.5” and 56.5”, with Internet access/Skype. This study is to explore experiences with athletic clothing. Please read the attached document and contact me to schedule a Skype or phone conversation to clarify the research process. Thank you! Sincerely, Debbie Christel.”

Phase 3: During the initial conversation, the eligibility screening and informed consent will take place.  The researcher will confirm the participant fits within the eligibility screening.  Upon giving confirmation to screening requiremtns, volunteering for the study, and giving oral consent, participants will be asked to fill out a basic demographic profile including age, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, income, marital status, occupancy, email, address, if they have children, the Rosenburg self esteem survey and a Social Physique Anxiety measure. The survey takes less than 10 minutes. The basic demographics, the Rosenburg self esteem survey and the Social Psyique Anxiety survey are viewable at the following links:
Phase 4: After completion of the survey, they will be asked to select an athletic outfit from a PDF file that is emailed to them. The PDF contains images of four apparel items. Two tops and two bottoms are to be selected from. Each participant will select one top and one bottom that will then be mailed to their provided address in the demographics.

Phase 5: Following garment selection, participants will be introduced to email prompts. The participant’s will respond to prompts including thoughts and feelings about the clothing.

The first prompt will be emailed after the initial contact and oral consent. Approximately one week later, and every week following, another prompt will be emailed until the completion of the interviews. Totaling four email prompts.

Phase 6: Upon receiving the clothing the participants will schedule a Skype™ interview with the researcher within 7 days of receiving the clothing. There will then be one or two follow up interviews four weeks later. Skype interviews will be scheduled through email. The interview(s) will take approximately 30 minutes to one hour.  The following outline describes the questions that will be asked.

The final phase 7: The participants will be asked if they know anyone who might be interested in participating in the study.  

So yeah........ if you have made it this far I hope you are not about to fall asleep!!!! I know the language is verbous and daunting but it is the way the cookie crumbles and I figure I better figure out how to do it! 

Hmmmmm. any other updates from Corvallis, OR...... I got my hair cut today :) That was fun, I really like the lady who does my hair, she is sweet and so fun to chat with. 

This is what Mugsy is up to...... jealous much?

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