Saturday, February 11, 2012

Library day

Spending the morning at the Oregon State Library looking for books on Grounded Theory research methods. Whenever I come to the library I have to keep myself really focused because I love books and I am always amazed at the amount of knowledge and resources there are here. The library is 6 floors and in my journey for Grounded theory I was side tracked and seduced by the women's studies section (by section I mean 14 rows of amazing literature).......Check out the beauty below

Such a wonderful place to be. Well, after an hour of playing around, I finally had to re-group and get my mind back to this grounded theory method that I am supposed to talk about in class in a few weeks. In grad school, instead of the professor lecturing to the students about a topic, the professor assigns each grad student a topic, then we have to go research it and lead discussion on the topic- great learning technique- but my topic is vague and difficult to understand. So....... my task for the day- first, stay on task, second- find explicit reading on the subject of grounded theory, third- eat lunch at some point and play with Mugsy- maybe a trip to the dog park? p.s. Cougs dominated in basketball thursday night against the Beavers- I went to the game and it was awesome. 

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