relax |riˈlaks|verb1 make or become less tense or anxious: [ no obj. ] : he relaxed and smiled confidently | (as adj. relaxing) : a relaxing vacation.• [ no obj. ] rest or engage in an enjoyable activity so as to become less tired or anxious: the team relaxes with a lot of skiing.• [ with obj. ] cause (a limb or muscle) to become less rigid: relax the leg by bringing the knee toward the chest.
I am warmly snuggled in bed with Mugsy and was just brought a hot cup of coffee. (deep smiling breath) The past week has been a roller coaster of driving here, doing this, fixing that, organizing this oh and make sure you are smiling and look pretty too. All of this while my dissertation was on hold and yikes, that was rough for me. I now feel relaxed knowing that my dissertation is moving forward and, for the most part, going well. (Aww... Jay just brought me breakfast in bed too, mmmmm feeling the love).
While Jay works on filing taxes for his family, I get to work on my dissertation and re-focus. This afternoon we are going to his storage unit to take inventory. As we plan our adventure across to West Virginia we are deciding on what to sell of our individual items and what items we want to bring along. It has been interesting to look at maps of the West Virginia area and see how close we will be to major historical sights and events. I am personally looking forward to:
- Big band music in Pittsburg
- Trip to Gettysburg
- Groundhogs day in Punxsutawney, PA
- Football Hall of Fame Canton, Ohio
-Washington DC Smithsonian
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